How About Fishing Line Clippers with Color?

July 6, 2012

berkley-line-clippersI was gifted a set of pink Stainless Steel Lady Berkley Fishing Line Clippers while attending the Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Workshop in Ocala. Three cheers for swag!

I like that these clippers come with a lanyard, which makes them easy to toss around your neck and have handy when you need to quickly re-rig your lines. Plus, there are two other handy bonus features… a fold out blade and a jig cleaner.

Since I fish a lot of saltwater spots, I also appreciate the fact that these clippers are corrosion resistant. Anyone else happen to have a pile of rusty, locked up fishing line clippers sitting in the garage that have only been used a few times and are now deemed useless?

However, I am interested in your personal take on all of the pink fishing products that are being made and marketed. Like? Dislike? Think it’s unnecessary to make fishing products pink in order to attract female anglers? I welcome your feedback on this post or on the Facebook Page.